Welcome to KAAFI

Established in 2001
The Training Organ of  GIR ODISHA FOUNDATION

We at KAAFI Skill rural youth to enable them to earn a respectable sustained livelihood; professing Livestock farming and supporting activities. Skill trainings  especially done to cater to the need of Gir Odisha Program.


  • Skill training to rural school/college dropouts intending to start & manage Cattle, Buffalo or Goat farms.
  • Skill Upgrading of livestock farmers and milk product makers.
  • Skill Training: Dairy Farmer / Entrep. And  Animal Health Worker under SKILL INDIA /PMKVY / NSDC of  GOVT OF INDIA with UPASANA Edn.
  • Research & investigation of efficacy of traditional therapy in animals
  • Hand hold Support to Training Pass outs. To get further information on our HAND HOLDING ACTIVITIES

Visit PMKVY official website to Find this Training Center

  • Study problems & explore solutions in Dairy farming.
  • Skill training to school/college dropouts intending to start & manage Cattle, Buffalo or Goat farms.
  • Training of livestock farmers and their staff
  • Training on milk product making.
  • Training to dairy support providers & breeders.
  • Research on traditional therapy in animals
  • Takes up specialized professional projects

Mail- kaafitrainingcenter@gmail.com KAAFI was formerly supported by Biswakalyan Sewak Samaj a voluntary organization. Now it is administered by of Gir Odisha Foundation.

Dr. Ranjit Dash is the Director of KAAFI.


1) Public gets good milk

2) Rural youngsters get sustained sufficient income to lead a respectable life.

3) Farm animals lead a comfortable life with optimum productivity